10 Things To Consider During A Change In Leadership

Over the past couple of weeks, you eavesdropped on a conversation between myself and a credit union CEO, Thad Angelle. Thad told us what he did to make the internal culture at his credit union strong and even gave you a good book recommendation! But if you don't have time to sit down and read "Thank God Its Monday" and you want some action items to put to action, we have some for you.


1. Focus first on shoring up your internal culture and earning the trust of your staff.

2. Foster collaboration among leadership and staff at all levels to sync up the team.

3. As the leader, find a principle or philosophy you can personally champion – and then live it.

4. Acknowledge staff uncertainty about what change means to them. So set high expectations for the organization but also work to calm the fears of the individuals.

5. Take a break from the C- suite and visit the front lines often.

6. Address challenges swiftly, rationally, realistically and with confidence.

7. Acknowledge fall out with any change in leadership. Use the opportunity to build the right team.

8. Embrace your leadership style. Be who you are, but seek ways to integrate that style with as little disruption as possible.

9. Focus on one manageable initiative at a time. Complete it and move on to the next opportunity.

10. When you reach the top, make sure you’re not alone. You can’t do it all on your own.

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